Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Exercise 5 - Wikis

I have added my blog to the PLCMC wiki.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Well, after a lot of effort, I managed to attach an image to this blog page, but is anyone else interested in Rainbow Bee-eaters? They are delightful little birds, and I saw lots of them in the Kimberleys when on holiday there in July, along with other wonderful bird sightings at the Broome Bird Observatory.
But, what exactly is the point of this part of the exercise? I suppose it might be useful if I go on holiday again, and can attach photos for emailing to friends, but it seems an awful lot of fiddling about for not much reward! I think I'd rather take the photos on my new digital camera, show them to people, delete them if they are not of interest, and turn the best ones into Christmas cards! I suppose that's being pretty reactionary, isn't it - maybe Christmas cards will go the way of lots of other forms of communication, in years to come, and just be a form of memorabilia that we keep in libraries like the State Library.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What is the value of all this?

I really don't know anyone would be interested in what I have to say on a blog, about green birds, or anything else. Nor do I know why I would be interested in what other people say when they waffle on about their personal interests - the whole thing seems very egocentric to me, and pandering to the ME factor. I also find it difficult to know why a Wikipedia full of individuals' added bits of information should be regarded as having any merit! How are future readers going to distinguish between authoritative information and Joe Blow's opinions?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bird-watching on Mornington Peninsula

Is there a bird-watching club on the Mornington Peninsula? So long as it doesn't just watch sulphur-crested cockatoos, which drive everyone crazy with their screeching.